Picture Gallery for Thu 2011-02-17 21:19:47 UTC

Click to enlargeThe highway through the Otira Gorge, heading up towards Arthur's Pass, one of the few roads that felt like driving in BC. At left is an avalache shelter (i.e. a snow shed). To the right is a waterfall overpass, which I found sufficiently odd that it warranted a picture. Fortunately there was a scenic turnoff just up the road.
Click to enlargeThere was a track leading up from the turnoff parking lot, which I thought might lead to something photogenic. Unfortunately, all it led to was a scenic overlook of the scenic overlook parking lot. Strange. Also, I think this is the only picture I took in which my car features (the Toyota at bottom). In this light the ridiculousness of the blue colouring isn't as apparent.
Click to enlargeArthur's Pass village.
Click to enlargeThe Devil's Punchbowl waterfall.
Click to enlargeThe Devil's Punchbowl waterfall.
Click to enlargeLooking north up the valley towards the Pass.
Click to enlargeState Highway 73, "The Great Alpine Highway".
Click to enlargeLooking across at the Punchbowl.
Click to enlargeHeading up Avalanche Peak.
Click to enlargeMount Cassidy.
Click to enlargeAnother view up the valley. The track which heads right from the highway up the valley is the Temple Basin Skifield road.
Click to enlargeThe track was very much up hill.
Click to enlargeAnother view of the Devil's Punchbowl.
Click to enlargeMount Rolleston / Kaimatau.
Click to enlargeLooking West, again.
Click to enlargeHigh above the Punchbowl.
Click to enlargeLooking West, again.
Click to enlargeA view of the village. Prominent also is the rail bridge across the Bealey River. Immediately after crossing the river heading north (lefward), the track enter the 8.5 km long Otira Tunnel.
Click to enlargeMount Rolleston, with the Crow Glacier on it's southern face.
Click to enlargeCrossing an avalanche zone on the climb up Avalanche Peak. I guess it's not named after some guy called "Avalanche".
Click to enlargeMount Rolleston, again.
Click to enlargeThe view northish. The Temple Basin Ski Lodge is now visible, with Mount Temple behind it.
Click to enlargeThe Devil's Punchbowl Creek basin, between Mounts Cassidy and Aiken.
Click to enlargeThe view down the avalanche slope.
Click to enlargeThe view southward towards Bealey Spur.
Click to enlargeAvalanche Peak, from the point at which I turned around.
Click to enlargeCrow Glacier on Mount Rolleston.
Click to enlargeArthur's Pass village.
Click to enlargeRefraction in the Devil's Punchbowl waterfall.
Click to enlargeThe emergency exit at one end of the short hallway leading to my room in Arthur's Pass...
Click to enlargeAnd the emergency exit at the other end of the hallway. Every time I wanted to leave my room I had to declare an emergency.
Click to enlargeWaterfowl in Akaroa.
Click to enlargeAkaroa.
Click to enlargeAkaroa.
Click to enlargeAkaroa.
Click to enlargeAkaroa.
Click to enlargeAkaroa.
Click to enlargeAkaroa lighthouse.
Click to enlargeAkaroa harbour.
Click to enlargeAkaroa harbour.
Click to enlargeAkaroa harbour.
Click to enlargeAkaroa: it's Frenchish. (The gas station had a big sign proclaiming "D'Essence".)
Click to enlargeAkaroa harbour from the Summit Road. The village at right is Duvachelle. The Summit Road is a great one for panoramic views of the Banks Peninsula. Unfortunately, there are too few places on the road where the verge is wide enough and flat enough to stop, that it's hard to get pictures.
Click to enlargeTakamatua on Akaroa harbour from the Summit Road. Akaroa itself is just on the other side of the slope.
Click to enlargeChristchurch: the only city I know with a bus route number zero.
Click to enlargeDemolition continues in central Christchurch.
Click to enlargeA visitor at breakfast.
Click to enlargeA visitor at breakfast.
Click to enlargeA visitor at breakfast.
Click to enlargeA visitor at breakfast.
Click to enlargeA visitor at breakfast.

© 2011 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 07:58:17 UTC