Picture Gallery for Tue 2011-02-15 08:46:07 UTC

Click to enlargeEdith Cavell Bridge over the Shotover River Gorge.
Click to enlargeRandom scenery from the Cardrona high road. (I was stopped for road work.)
Click to enlargeLake Wanaka.
Click to enlargeLake Wanaka.
Click to enlargeHaast.
Click to enlargeMosquito Hill towering over Haast.
Click to enlargeAnother view of Haast. There really isn't much there.
Click to enlargeWest coast status: attained.
Click to enlargeThis is looking, let's say, southwest from Kights Point.
Click to enlargeCaution: Waves may sneak up behind to frighten you.
Click to enlargeCliffs in the Fox valley.
Click to enlargeFox Glacier.
Click to enlargeCloud enshrouded peaks.
Click to enlargeA waterfall.
Click to enlargeFox Glacier again.
Click to enlargeA gully near the glacier.
Click to enlargeGreen hills.
Click to enlargeVery close to the glacier.
Click to enlargeVery close to the glacier.
Click to enlargeThe gully across the river, again.
Click to enlargeA stream running over glacial rocks.
Click to enlargeThis is one of two streams we had to ford to get to the glacier.
Click to enlargeThe ford. Pretty simple.
Click to enlargeThe ford. Pretty simple.
Click to enlargeMore cliffs.
Click to enlargeHeading back from the glacier.
Click to enlargeFox Glacier.
Click to enlargeThat waterfall again.
Click to enlargeWhich produces the second stream which has to be forded. Some people were trying to do this in flip-flops. It didn't seem like the best idea to me.
Click to enlargeA different gully.
Click to enlargeCliffs.
Click to enlargeSome small waterfalls.
Click to enlargeDowntown Hokitika, from my hotel room.
Click to enlargeDowntown Hokitika, from my hotel room.
Click to enlargeHokitika Clock Tower. Also, they're into jade here.
Click to enlargeThe main street of Hokitika.
Click to enlargeHokitika spelled in driftwood. There were a large number of driftwood sculptures on the beach. Aparently there had been some sort of festival recently.
Click to enlargeOne of the sculptures.
Click to enlargeThe Hokitika sign from the back.
Click to enlargeSpiral.
Click to enlargeA little campsite.
Click to enlargeTurtle.
Click to enlargeAnother lean-to.
Click to enlargeA few of sculptures had signs next to them giving the name of the work and the person who made it. Most didn't however.
Click to enlargeThis one was called "All this will be yours one day, son".
Click to enlargeSticks on twine.
Click to enlargeBaby dragon.
Click to enlargeHere we have a bird looking over her nest.
Click to enlargeAnother shot of bird and nest.
Click to enlargeLooking up the beach at the sculpture garden.
Click to enlargeAn impressive chair.
Click to enlargeGood use of a tyre.
Click to enlargeNot sure if this one's part of the sculpture festival. It's difficult to believe you'd find a large metal guy washed up on the shore.
Click to enlargeSurf.
Click to enlargeSurf.
Click to enlargeSurf.
Click to enlargeSurf.
Click to enlargePebbles in the sand.
Click to enlargeTourists investigate the sculptures.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeAnother look down the beach at the sculptures.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeIntricate webwork.
Click to enlargeA stone breakwater on the beach.
Click to enlargeMore surf.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset. Playing around with exposure settings.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSurf.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeGoing...
Click to enlargeAlmost gone, looking very green.
Click to enlargeGreen!
Click to enlargeAlmost...
Click to enlargeAlmost...
Click to enlargeJust about gone.
Click to enlargeGone!
Click to enlargeBut the moon's still here.
Click to enlargeStill gone.
Click to enlargeRandom Latin.
Click to enlargeSt. Mary's Catholic Church, Hokitika.

© 2011 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 06:34:47 UTC