Picture Gallery for Mon 2011-02-14 09:49:45 UTC

Click to enlargeThere are a number of camper/van/car rental agencies in this country with easily-recognised, garishly coloured fleets. Spaceships is on the less-hideous end of the spectrum. They do appear to name their vehicles after characters from films. Here we have Radar and Anakin. (My own car, although a ridiculous shade of blue, is otherwise unremarkable.)
Click to enlargeInbound cataraman.
Click to enlargeOur boat for the lake crossing.
Click to enlargeLeaving Te Anau.
Click to enlargeFiordland hills on the west bank of the lake.
Click to enlargeRain in the fiordlands.
Click to enlargeSheep stations on the east bank.
Click to enlargeComing up on the Dome Islands.
Click to enlargeLooking back east with the Livinstone Mountains in the background.
Click to enlargeDome Islands.
Click to enlargeLooking southeast from the Dome Islands at the townsite.
Click to enlargeDome Islands.
Click to enlargeDome Islands.
Click to enlargeDome Islands.
Click to enlargeDome Islands.
Click to enlargeTowards the South Fiord.
Click to enlargeTowards the South Fiord.
Click to enlargeDome Islands with the townsite in the distance across the lake.
Click to enlargeDome Islands.
Click to enlargeEast bank.
Click to enlargeThe last of the Dome Islands.
Click to enlargeThe Bluffs.
Click to enlargeLake Te Anau runs basically north-south, but it has three arms branching off from it to the west which are somewhat unimaginatively names South Fiord, Middle Fiord and North Fiord. This is looking westwards down the lenght of South Fiord from the mount of the arm.
Click to enlargeWest bank.
Click to enlargeNorthward. Lake Te Anau is the largest lake in New Zealand by volume and second largest by surface area.
Click to enlargeThere is a marked difference between the heavily-forested west bank of the lake (part of Fiordlands National Park) and the pastoral east bank.
Click to enlargeLooking back at the Dome Islands with Mount Luxmore in the background.
Click to enlargeSouthward.
Click to enlargeAnother look down South Fiord under heavy rainclouds.
Click to enlargeLooking back south. Due to the rain, the north wind, and the speed of the boat, it was much easier to take pictures looking south than north.
Click to enlargeLooking north. To take a picture looking north, in the direction of travel I had to get ready and quickly take a picture before the lens got coated with water and I'd have to spend time drying it again. Also, rain in the face at 25 knots is not all that pleasant.
Click to enlargeOn the plus side, due to the weather, I had the upper deck to myself.
Click to enlargeThe weather breaks to the south of us.
Click to enlargeApproaching the dock.
Click to enlargeTunnel Burn dock.
Click to enlargeTunnel Burn dock.
Click to enlargeGarden Point at right (the northern entrance to South Fiord).
Click to enlargeThe shore at Tunnel Burn. As you can see, the weather is clearing steadily.
Click to enlargeTunnel Burn. ("Burn" is a Scottish word meaning "stream"). The Tunnel Burn is the stream which runs through the Aurora (Glowworm) Caves.
Click to enlargeCavern House.
Click to enlargeOur situation at Cavern House. Tunnel Burn spends a fair bit of time underground.
Click to enlargeA cutaway view of the lower half of the Aurora Caves. The tour, starting from the entrance rightward of the photograph, only gets as far in as the Glowworm Grotto at the far right.
Click to enlargeEntrance to the cave. The entrance is about four and a half feet high, but the path through the cave is otherwise fairly easy.
Click to enlargeHeading back to the boat after the tour.
Click to enlargeThe east bank again from the dock. There's a log floating in the water.
Click to enlargeLooking north up the shore, where it's still raining.
Click to enlargeRe-boarding. There were about seventy people on the tour, but we were broken up into smaller groups of about a dozen for the cave tour. I was in the last, smallest group.
Click to enlargeDeparting the dock.
Click to enlargeHeading back towards the townsite.
Click to enlargeCentre Island to the north of us.
Click to enlargeSouth Fiord, again.
Click to enlargeAnd the east bank.
Click to enlargeSouth Fiord.
Click to enlargeComing back into town.
Click to enlargeBack in town.
Click to enlargeBack in town.
Click to enlargeTe Anau town from a hill east of town. The Murchison Mountains are in the distance, on the far side of the South Fiord.

Click to Enlarge
(19895x2497, 7203.84 kb) Lake Te Anau and the Te Anau townsite, with the mountains of Fiordland in the distance.

Click to enlargeRainbow!
Click to enlargeThe view from my room.
Click to enlarge1972 Mini Cooper. ("L" is for Leyland).
Click to enlargeDodge Broters Straight Six.
Click to enlargeThe Cow, where I had lunch. Never really associated her with pizza before.
Click to enlargeThe gondola.
Click to enlargeFirefighters practising in the park.
Click to enlargeDowntown Queenstown.
Click to enlargeDowntown Queenstown.
Click to enlargeBuskers from Vanuatu raising money.
Click to enlargeQueenstown Bay on Lake Wakatipu.
Click to enlargeThe harbour.
Click to enlargeLake Wakatipu. The yellow thing is a skydiver coming down on a parachute. The skies in Queenstown are full of those sorts of things.
Click to enlargeJetboaters at the north end of Lake Wakatipu, near Glenorchy.
Click to enlargeJetboating on Lake Wakatipu.
Click to enlargeJetboating on Lake Wakatipu. Passengers seem to have fun. Drivers seem to have even more fun.
Click to enlargeHills above Glenorchy.
Click to enlargeThe Glenorchy War Memorial. Two things:
  1. Glenorchy was apparently once called "Head of Lake";
  2. Aparently no one got around to telling Glenorchy the war was over until 1920.
Click to enlargeThe Glenorchy Cafe.
Click to enlargeAt the cafe, they give you a number on a stick to so they know where to bring your food. Except my number turned out to be "Bad Santa".
Click to enlarge"2 Old Pensioners on an Adventure B 4 Dementia". (They were driving exceedingly slowly, which gave me an opportunity to take this picture.)
Click to enlargeMy road atlas, showing the area around Queenstown. I had noticed the iconograph for Lord of the Rings locations, but I just noticed there's also an iconograph for bungy jumping.
Click to enlargeArrowtown. Old-timey.
Click to enlargeArrowtown. Old-timey.
Click to enlargeRandom old-timey stuff (for all your old-timey picture taking needs).
Click to enlargeAJ Hackett didn't invent bungy jumping, but he certainly turned it into the phenomenon it is today. And all from Queenstown.
Click to enlargeTSS Earnslaw, a steamer than runs up and down the lake.
Click to enlargeThe hills outside by room at Arthur's Point, again; this time with fewer ominous looking clouds.
Click to enlargeFarming near Arthur's Point.
Click to enlargeUp above Queenstown.
Click to enlargeAlso, Frankton.
Click to enlargeMe with the Remarkables in the background. If they look familiar, that's because they were used as the mountains in the Lord of the Rings. (The hill in front also stood in for large swathes of Rohan).
Click to enlargeFarmland to the east of Queenstown.
Click to enlargeMe, again, with the Land Rover.
Click to enlargeJetboating in the Gorge on the Shotover River.
Click to enlargeThe Arrow Gorge irrigation scheme. Water from the Arrow River was transported down to irrigate the farms in the valley below. The aqueduct is still in use.
Click to enlargeOn top of the Arrow Gorge Aqueduct, built 1920. The vertical pipe is an air vent, necessitated by the syphoning of the water through a dip upstream. The rocks around the pipe are tailings from gold rush times.
Click to enlargeTSS Earnslaw in port.
Click to enlargeTSS Earnslaw with the Remarkables behind.
Click to enlargeEvening sun on the Remarkables.
Click to enlargeSunset over the harbour.
Click to enlargeLaurent Piron, a travelling Belgian magician, who gave a very entertaining show for us.

© 2011 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 04:30:45 UTC