Picture Gallery for Tue 2011-02-08 22:12:47 UTC

Click to enlargeI thought I was done with these.
Click to enlargeThe Mt. John tour buys old parkas from the USAP for the use of customers when on the mountain.
Click to enlargeMy attempt at astrophotography. This is a fifteen second exposure. The movement of the camera is due to wind.
Click to enlargeMOA
Click to enlargeMOA
Click to enlargeMOA
Click to enlargeJag check: yep, still there.
Click to enlargeThe view from my room in the morning. In addition to the Jaguar, you can see the Church at top left on the shore of the lake.
Click to enlargeThe hyrdo canal.
Click to enlargeThe Mackenzie Valley.

Click to Enlarge
(10396x2566, 4246.53 kb) A very wet Mackenzie Valley.

Click to enlargeThe Mackenzie Valley.
Click to enlargeA depth marker in the canal.
Click to enlargeMaryburn. Beware Strong Winds.
Click to enlargeSheep.
Click to enlargeSalmon farming in the canal.
Click to enlargeSalmon farming in the canal.
Click to enlargeSalmon farming in the canal.

Click to Enlarge
(15545x2157, 6895.62 kb) Lake Pukaki (left) at the end of the Hydro Canal (right).

Click to enlargeLake Pukaki
Click to enlargeAt it's terminus, the hydro canal is siphoned into these tubes.
Click to enlargeThe lower power station (Tekapo B).
Click to enlargeThe lower power station (Tekapo B).
Click to enlargeLake Pukaki, fed by water from Mount Cook.
Click to enlargeTriumph.
Click to enlargeTriumph.
Click to enlargeLake Pukaki outflow.
Click to enlargeLake Pukaki outflow.
Click to enlargeLake Pukaki outflow. There was a lot of water flowing through the gates.
Click to enlargeLake Pukaki outflow.
Click to enlargeLake Pukaki outflow.
Click to enlargeCentral Twizel.
Click to enlargeThe Hermitage at Mount Cook.
Click to enlargeInside the visitor's centre.
Click to enlargeThe "view" of Mount Cook from the Hermitage.
Click to enlargeHermitage grounds.
Click to enlargeLow hanging cloud.
Click to enlargeThe Hermigate.
Click to enlargeOld guest ledgers in the Hermitage bar.
Click to enlargeLooking down the valley.
Click to enlargeLooking up the valley; still very cloudy.
Click to enlargeLooking up the valley; still very cloudy.
Click to enlargeStone cairns marking the path across Kitchener Creek.
Click to enlargeStone cairns marking the path across Kitchener Creek.
Click to enlargeSome fording required.
Click to enlargeStarting to clear further down the valley.
Click to enlargeGlaciers: nature's litterbugs.
Click to enlargeThe Alpine Memorial.
Click to enlargeThe Alpine Memorial.
Click to enlargeThe Alpine Memorial, originally erected to commemorate some climbers who perished in 1914, it has since accrued many more plaques.
Click to enlargeSome of the plaques on the Memorial.
Click to enlargeSome of the plaques on the Memorial.
Click to enlargeThe view of the village from the Memorial.
Click to enlargeThe Alpine Memorial.
Click to enlargeAnother look up the valley.
Click to enlargeMueller Lake with a very dirty Mueller Glacier behind.
Click to enlargeThe first swing bridge across Hooker River.
Click to enlargeThe first swing bridge.
Click to enlargeThe first swing bridge.
Click to enlargeThe first swing bridge.
Click to enlargeThis thing that looks like a stream is actually the path. Some pathforging required.

Click to Enlarge
(10990x2493, 6882.30 kb) Mueller Lake below low cloud.

Click to enlargeMueller Lake.
Click to enlargeMueller Lake and Glacier.
Click to enlargeClimbing up.
Click to enlargeSome fellow trampers attempt to ford the new stream.
Click to enlargeMueller Lake and Glacier.
Click to enlargeMueller Glacier.
Click to enlargeComing up on the second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeLooking up at a recent rock slide.
Click to enlargeThe second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeDanger. Falling rocks.
Click to enlargeThe path up to the second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeThe path up to the second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeThe second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeHooker River.
Click to enlargeLooking back across the gorge at the path leading up to the second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeThe second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeSuccess! The clouds part to reveal Aoraki (Cloud Piercer), AKA Mount Cook.
Click to enlargeMount Cook and the Hooker River.
Click to enlargeMount Cook and the Hooker River.
Click to enlargeMount Cook.
Click to enlargeMount Cook.
Click to enlargeThe path continues this way.
Click to enlargeThis thing that looks like a pool is the path. It then heads up where that thing that looks like a stream is. I tried to find a reasonable way around that wouldn't involve water in my boots, but there really wasn't anywhere to go.
Click to enlargeMount Cook, again.
Click to enlargeAnother view of the pool-path. I did manage to make it to the other side of the pool, but that didn't help much.
Click to enlargeThe torrent flowing down the path.
Click to enlargeAn attempt at a self-portrait.
Click to enlargeEagle Rock.
Click to enlargeMount Cook.
Click to enlargeThe lower peaks start to show themselves, as well.
Click to enlargeThe lower peaks start to show themselves, as well.

Click to Enlarge
(13184x2542, 5870.59 kb) Aoraki from the Hooker Valley.

Click to enlargeThe lower peaks start to show themselves, as well.

Click to Enlarge
(7199x2468, 4547.58 kb) Looking down the Hooker Valley past the second swing bridge.

Click to enlargeA view up Hooker Valley from higher up.
Click to enlargeA last view of Mount Cook on the way back to town.
Click to enlargeBack above the second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeLooking back down the valley. The lake in the distance is Lake Pukaki.
Click to enlargeClearing above Mueller Lake.
Click to enlargeThe second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeHooker River.
Click to enlargeThe second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeAnother view of the path on the lower side of the second swing bridge.
Click to enlargeActually maybe it's more of a scramble than a path.
Click to enlargeCloud clearing.
Click to enlargeA random hill.
Click to enlargeLower slopes.
Click to enlargeFreda's Rock.
Click to enlargeSunlight on the eastern slopes.
Click to enlargeMountians.
Click to enlargeAoraki.
Click to enlargeMy room at the Hermitage was cheap because I didn't have a view of Mount Cook. This is the view from my balcony. I guess it didn't count?
Click to enlargeDinner! Everything was closed by the time I got back from my tramp. Fortunately, I came prepared.
Click to enlargeOne last look back, heading out.
Click to enlargeThe model of old Cromwell before it was flooded in 1984 when the dam was constructed. The blue yarn indicates the current lake level.
Click to enlargeFruit!
Click to enlargeFruit!
Click to enlargeFruit!
Click to enlargeOld Cromwell (after relocation).
Click to enlargeStopped for construction in Central Otago.
Click to enlargeRain over the Otago Peninsula, as seen from central Dunedin.
Click to enlargeSt. John's Cathedral (catholic). I'm staying in the Bishop's old residence.
Click to enlargeStone detailing.
Click to enlargeThe view from the doors of the Cathedral. The buildings at left is the Otago Girl's School. The chimney with the barrel on top is part of the Speight's Brewery.
Click to enlargeSlanty building.
Click to enlargeOtago Harbour beyond Speight's Brewery.

© 2011 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 08:59:22 UTC