Picture Gallery for Sat 2011-01-07 19:24:00 UTC

Click to enlargeHeading back to Picton.
Click to enlargeHeading back to Picton.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeReflected sunlight on the hills.
Click to enlargeA ferry.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to enlargeA secluded house.
Click to enlargeApproaching the interisland ferry.
Click to enlargeApproaching the interisland ferry.
Click to enlargeWe cut across the ferry's wake.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeOverhauling the ferry.
Click to enlargeHeading into Picton.
Click to enlargePicton harbour.
Click to enlargePicton harbour.
Click to enlargeThe Mariner's Mall. I believe the flags are meant to spell "welcome".
Click to enlargeScenery on the road back to Christchurch.
Click to enlargeScenery on the road back to Christchurch.
Click to enlargeScenery on the road back to Christchurch.
Click to enlargeScenery on the road back to Christchurch.
Click to enlargeScenery on the road back to Christchurch.
Click to enlargeA break in the clouds.
Click to enlargeA break in the clouds.
Click to enlargeA one lane bridge on Highway 1.

Click to Enlarge
(9967x5514, 10854.40 kb) The view from the second floor balcony of the Windsor. At left is Cranmer square. The Windsor is on Armagh Street.

Click to enlarge1928 Erskine. It belongs to the owner of the Windsor, where I'm staying in Christchurch.
Click to enlargeWaiting for departure to McMurdo at the airport in Christchurch.
Click to enlargeWaiting for departure to McMurdo at the airport in Christchurch.
Click to enlargeMy in-flight meal. It contains meat.

Click to Enlarge
(5930x2504, 3240.96 kb) The view from my seat on the C17.

Click to enlargeThe manufacturer of my earplugs has trademarked the colour yellow.
Click to enlargeAt Pegasus, heading to the bus back into McMurdo.
Click to enlargeThe Basler (and several Hercs) parked at Pegasus.
Click to enlargeBlack Island and Hut Point Peninsula.

Click to Enlarge
(8479x2458, 2908.16 kb) Arriving at Pegasus.

Click to enlargeMatt in the BLASTPol control room.
Click to enlargeLaura in the BLASTPol control room.
Click to enlargeSteve and Tristan in the BLASTPol control room.
Click to enlargeWaiting at Pegasus for our flight to Pole.

Click to Enlarge
(11572x2505, 4114.43 kb) The view from Pegasus.

Click to enlargeGreatest snow on Earth.
Click to enlargeBoarding the Herc.

Click to Enlarge
(11293x3193, 7159.81 kb) On the LC-130. The pile in front of us is our carry-on. The next pile is the crew's gear. At the back, on the ramp, is our checked luggage and a few other things for Keck.

Click to enlargeA view from the flight deck. Unfortunately it was cloudy for most of our flight.
Click to enlargeFlight crew.
Click to enlargeA view from the rear of the LC-130.
Click to enlargeGrant on the flight.
Click to enlargeThe view from one of the windows.
Click to enlargeLunch! Seasoned polies advised me to take the vegetarian option when leaving McMurdo.
Click to enlargeLunch: a bag of tortilla chips, salsa, applesauce, zesty snack mix, a bag of sunflower cubes, two soft-baked snickerdoodles, a collapsible spork (non-edible), and a temporary tattoo of a space monkey (probably also non-edible).
Click to enlargeThe view from the window behind my seat. LC-130s are loud.
Click to enlargeThe same thing, but with blurry propellers, courtesy a neutral density filter.
Click to enlargeThe same thing, but with blurry propellers, courtesy a neutral density filter.
Click to enlargeThe wing.
Click to enlargeAnd the other wing, in case you thought we might be missing one.
Click to enlargeThe last eleven inches of Compartment M is not floor space. Good to know.
Click to enlargeA view from the front of the plane. The cooler contains the crew's lunches.
Click to enlargeOur first view of the Transantarctic Mountains.
Click to enlargeTransantarctic Mountains.
Click to enlargeTransantarctic Mountains.
Click to enlargeTransantarctic Mountains.
Click to enlargeTransantarctic Mountains.
Click to enlargeTransantarctic Mountains.
Click to enlargeTransantarctic Mountains.
Click to enlargeTransantarctic Mountains.
Click to enlargeKilling time on the flight.
Click to enlargeTouchdown at Pole.
Click to enlargeDeplaning.
Click to enlargeOur welcome party.
Click to enlargeOur ride waits for unloading and refuelling.
Click to enlargeThe Elevated Station.
Click to enlargeA first look at the Dark Sector.
Click to enlargeThe gymnasium.
Click to enlargeStation map.
Click to enlargeStation map.
Click to enlargePlanting party at the greenhouse.
Click to enlargePlanting party at the greenhouse.
Click to enlargeThe greenhouse is incredibly humid compared to the rest of the Station.
Click to enlargePlanting party at the greenhouse.
Click to enlargeRed char.
Click to enlargeZucchini.
Click to enlargePlanting party at the greenhouse.
Click to enlargeT-Rex.
Click to enlargeMy berth.

Click to Enlarge
(3202x6424, 3786.75 kb) My berth. There's a bed, a chest of drawers, a desk, a chair, a window, a window shade, a light, another light, a third light, a shelf, a closet (not shown), another chest of drawers (also not shown), a clothesline (also not shown), a door (also not shown), a smoke detector (also not shown), a large space under the bed to store luggage, and a piece of cardboard for the window.

Click to Enlarge
(6299x4309, 4958.21 kb) Looking the other way in my berth. Some of the stuff listed above which were not shown now is.

Click to enlargeTelecon time at MAPO on Thursday morning.
Click to enlargeRobert prepares to hoist a compressor.
Click to enlargeRaising the K2 cryostat.
Click to enlargeThe insides of the MCE power supply, which I spent far too long dealing with on Thursday.
Click to enlargeDisassembly of the AST/RO hut.
Click to enlargeMAPO in the foreground, with DSL behind.
Click to enlargeRush hour on the Dark Sector road.
Click to enlargeThe sun with horizon glow.

Click to Enlarge
(22671x2239, 7944.19 kb) A 360 degree panorama from the Dark Sector road, where it intersects the aircraft taxiway. The cut is roughly Grid Northeast. The first building starting from the left, just right of an antenna mast is ARO, the Atmospheric Research Observatory, at the edge of the Clean Air Sector. Then there's a bulldozer grading the ARO road. Then comes another antenna, and then the Ceremonial South Pole (surrounded by national flags).

A black line in the snow right of the Ceremonial Pole is the fuel line; then comes the elevated station. There are a large number of support buildings right of the Elevated Station, ending with the radar dome. On the far side of these is the Quiet Sector. Then comes the ski-way (ie. runway), which marks the edge of the Dark Sector.

Most of the next stuff is storage up on snow berms before we get to the Ice Cube Laboratory, followed by a generator building and then the Dark Sector Laboratory (DSL) containing the imposing South Pole Telescope, and the much smaller BICEP2. Next is the Martin A. Pomerantz Observatory (MAPO) where Keck is being built. The large orange flags in the Dark Sector indicate the locations of the Ice Cube strands. At right a the black flags (which indicate danger) mark out the location of Old Pole (the station built in the 1950s and now buried). The red tents on the horizon is the Designated Camping Area, where tourists are allowed to stay.

Click to enlargeOne of the warning beacons where the Dark Sector road crosses the airplane taxiway.
Click to enlargeJustus's Scotch Money mug, alarmingly empty.
Click to enlargeAn MCE set up for testing.
Click to enlargeLooking down into the empty K1 cryostat tube.
Click to enlargeHeading back to station for dinner on Saturday.

© 2011 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 02:44:26 UTC