Picture Gallery for Tue 2011-01-04 02:42:57 UTC

Click to enlargeReflected sunset on the Bridge of Remembrance in Christchurch.
Click to enlargeDo not look at this image!
Click to enlargeA typical scene of earthquake damage.
Click to enlargeMost buildings pass inspection; a few do not.
Click to enlargeRain!
Click to enlargeCreative reuse.
Click to enlargeRain in the square.
Click to enlargeHey! The tram is running again.
Click to enlargeRepairs on the Cathedral.
Click to enlargeA pile of rocks in the Square.
Click to enlargeA pile of rocks in the Square.
Click to enlargeSkua!
Click to enlargeKinetic art outside the Art Gallery.
Click to enlargeKinetic art outside the Art Gallery.
Click to enlargeKinetic art outside the Art Gallery.
Click to playKinetic art outside the Art Gallery.
Click to enlargeModel A.
Click to enlargeShoring up of the Art Centre.
Click to enlargeThe Canterbury Museum.
Click to enlargeDuck and gull. I seem to be taking a lot of pictures of birds...
Click to enlargeChristmasified botanical garden tour bus.
Click to enlargePunting on the Avon.
Click to enlargeAtlas cedar in the botanical garden.
Click to enlargeThe counterclockwise sundial in the botanical garden. Problem one: at what time was this picture taken? (No cheating by using EXIF tags!)
Click to enlargeThe Equation of Time. You'll need this for the problem above.

Click to Enlarge
(3218x1973, 2164.74 kb) The fern house at the botanical gardens.

Click to enlargeThe fern house.

Click to Enlarge
(5428x4343, 6137.86 kb) The fern house at the botanical gardens.

Click to enlargeElectric art.
Click to enlargeElectric art.
Click to enlargeElectric art.
Click to enlargeGrant and Jon outside the Art Gallery.
Click to enlargeAt the Art Centre.
Click to enlargeAt the Art Centre.
Click to enlargeMore repairs.
Click to enlargeFlat white (which appears to be just a latte) and a reallllllllly small mince pie.
Click to enlargeDucks on the Avon.
Click to enlargeSuspended art in the art centre.
Click to enlargeSuspended art in the art centre.

Click to Enlarge
(1345x2668, 719.00 kb) A spire from the Art Centre removed as an earthquake precaution.

Click to enlargeEarthquake demolition.
Click to enlargeLa Petite Croix
Click to enlargeLive music at the Bard on Avon.
Click to enlargeJon shows his approval for Radler.
Click to enlargeWhoops. That's not good.
Click to enlargeFortunately, I travel with piano wire.
Click to enlargeThe Pacific Ocean from Highway 1.
Click to enlargeA large truck tries to negotiate a small tunnel.
Click to enlargeKaikoura Peninsula.
Click to enlargeGrant and Jon on the beach.

Click to Enlarge
(10767x2088, 4672.51 kb) On the beach at Kaikoura.

Click to enlargeZak on the beach.
Click to enlargePebbles!
Click to playPebbly surf.
Click to enlargeCafe encounters: for those who find dolphin encounters too stressful. (You don't even need a boat.)
Click to enlargeKaikoura
Click to enlargeSeal.
Click to enlargeSeals.

Click to Enlarge
(8565x2456, 4080.64 kb) Seals on the beach.

Click to enlargeFish.
Click to enlargeTiaki the whale and the other whale watching boat.
Click to enlargeSpout.
Click to enlargeTiaki the whale and the other whale watching boat.
Click to enlargeTiaki the whale and the other whale watching boat.

Click to Enlarge
(9378x2462, 3748.86 kb) Whale watching. The Kaikoura Peninsula can be seen in the background.

Click to enlargeThe other whale watching boat.
Click to enlargeTiaki.
Click to enlargeTiaki and an albatross.
Click to enlargeTiaki.
Click to enlargeThe other whale watching boat heads off.
Click to enlargeThe other whale watching boat heads off.
Click to enlargeFin.
Click to enlargeFin.
Click to enlargeThe other whale watching boat heads off.
Click to enlargeThe other whale watching boat heads off.
Click to enlargeFin.
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeEven our captain Jamie took some time to observe the dolphins.
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeDolphins!
Click to enlargeBack on the beach.
Click to enlargeMountains in cloud on the way to Picton.
Click to enlargeMountains in cloud on the way to Picton.
Click to enlargeSunset over a vineyard.

Click to Enlarge
(8504x2426, 2939.90 kb) Sunset over a vineyard outside of Blenheim.

Click to enlargeVineyards.
Click to enlargeReflected sunset.
Click to enlargeGrapevines.
Click to enlargeMy room in Picton. I set the alarm to wake up twice during the night to be sure I used all three beds.
Click to enlargeNew Year in Picton

Click to Enlarge
(6211x2688, 2282.50 kb) New Year's Eve in Picton.

Click to Enlarge
(6154x2666, 2965.50 kb) New Year's Day in Picton. An interisland ferry is in port.

Click to enlargeZak on the boat.
Click to enlargeLeaving Picton.
Click to enlargeLeaving Picton.
Click to enlargeLeaving Picton.
Click to enlargeA ketch in the Picton harbour.
Click to enlargeLeaving Picton.
Click to enlargeThe Edwin Fox Museum.
Click to enlargeThe RNZN.
Click to enlargeWake.
Click to enlargeA typical beach in the Queen Charlotte Sound.
Click to enlargeOn the boat.
Click to enlargeBow shock.
Click to enlargeKayakers.
Click to enlargeAnother ketch.
Click to enlargeScenery in the Sound.
Click to enlargePicton.
Click to enlargeA resort in the Bay of Many Coves.
Click to enlargeMore ketch.
Click to enlargeLeaving the Bay of Many Coves resort.
Click to enlargeOur next destination.
Click to enlargeShore.
Click to enlargeA secluded house.
Click to enlargeJon records our trip.
Click to enlargeThe skipper and purser consult over our changed itinerary.
Click to enlargeZak on the boat.

Click to Enlarge
(7585x2383, 4406.27 kb) A random beach in the Queen Charlotte Sound.

Click to enlargeMore kayakers on the sound.
Click to enlargeLooking towards Resolution Bay.
Click to enlargeBlumine Island.
Click to enlargeOn the boat.
Click to enlargeBlumine Island.
Click to enlargeWe disembark at Ship Cove.
Click to enlargeHeading to the trail.
Click to enlargeThe trailhead.
Click to enlargeLooking down at Ship Cove.
Click to enlargeA odd looking log.
Click to enlargeShip Cove.
Click to enlargeResolution Bay.
Click to enlargeResolution Bay.
Click to enlargeResolution Bay. Also, me.
Click to enlargeWe spot our first Weka.
Click to enlargeA view of Motuara and Hippa Islands. The North Island could be faintly discerned on the horizon from this view (but probably not in this image).
Click to enlargeA plaque at the summit.
Click to enlargeA weka looks for crumbs.
Click to enlargeResolution Bay.
Click to enlargeFoliage.
Click to enlargeFoliage.
Click to enlargeOne of many small waterfalls crossing our path.
Click to enlargeOne of many small waterfalls crossing our path.
Click to enlargeFoliage.
Click to enlargeAnother cataract.
Click to enlargeThe road down to the Resolution Bay dock.
Click to enlargeAt this point, the trail passed through a randomly placed meadow, complete with sheep and chickens. (We met the cow earlier.)
Click to enlargeSheep!
Click to enlargeA lean-to.
Click to enlargeEndeavour Inlet.

Click to Enlarge
(7203x2594, 3645.44 kb) Grant looks down over Endeavour Inlet.

Click to enlargeDense foliage.
Click to enlargeMore water.
Click to enlargeEndeavour Inlet.
Click to enlargeDock in Endeavour Inlet.
Click to enlargeDock in Endeavour Inlet.
Click to enlargeMore wekas at a rest stop.
Click to enlargeMore wekas at a rest stop.
Click to enlargeThe view from the rest stop.
Click to enlargeThe path fords another stream.
Click to enlargeSun on Endeavour Inlet.
Click to enlargeSun on Endeavour Inlet.
Click to enlargeZak checks out the trees.

Click to Enlarge
(6694x2405, 3329.02 kb) A beach on Queen Charlotte Sound.

Click to enlargeThe pier at Furneaux Lodge.
Click to enlargeA trilobyte.
Click to enlargeA random beach at Furneaux.
Click to enlargeOur ride arrives.
Click to enlargeBack on the boat. Now with wine. And rock music (not shown).
Click to enlargeLeaving Furneaux.
Click to enlargeLeaving Furneaux.
Click to enlargeLeaving Furneaux.

Click to Enlarge
(9235x2493, 4337.66 kb) Looking north towards Cook Strait.

Click to enlargeSunset as we approach Picton.
Click to enlargeSt. Michael's and All Angels.
Click to enlargeBridge of Remembrance from the other side.
Click to enlargeA waterwheel in the Avon.
Click to enlargeVicky.
Click to enlargeFeel free to cruise from this point on.
Click to enlargeStig soap.

© 2011 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 07:45:36 UTC