Picture Gallery for Wed 2006-08-09 08:40:27 UTC

Click to enlargeSetting up the cold source in the LDB highbay during the morning rain.
Click to enlargeEnzo and Nick set up the cold source in the LDB highbay while BLAST stares at it from across the parking lot.
Click to enlargeBLAST looking out of the staging building.
Click to enlargeBLAST looking out of the staging building.
Click to enlargeBLAST looking out of the staging building.
Click to enlargeMeasuring the distance to the source... not quite an exact science.
Click to enlargeBLAST still looking out the door after dark.
Click to enlargeMarie shines a light on the cryostat window.
Click to enlargeA nebulosity of astrophysicists watch the progress of the beam maps.
Click to enlargeBarth, Enzo, Mark and Mark try to figure out the beam shape.
Click to enlargeThe LDB highbay at 6 am.
Click to enlargeMarie's note to the LDB crew.
Click to enlargeFrost on the cold source liquid nitrogen dewar.
Click to enlargeFrost and condensation on the cold source liquid nitrogen dewar.
Click to enlargeFrost and condensation on the cold source liquid nitrogen dewar.
Click to enlargeSBI saran wrapped and ready to be shipped down to the ice.
Click to enlargeNick and Matt calibrate the sun sensor.
Click to enlargeGaelen and Chris remount the secondary mirror.
Click to enlargeHere's a large, knurled, anodised aluminum thing... if only everything was like this.
Click to enlargeI made a sandwich for dinner. People were impressed by it and took pictures.
Click to enlargeDitto.
Click to enlargeDouble ditto.
Click to enlargeThe telescope.
Click to enlargeMark proposes a new experiment: what happens to our beam when we wedges the helium dewar thumper storage tube under the secondary?
Click to enlargeDiscussing beam shapes and mirror tilts.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Thu 2025-02-06 23:39:57 UTC