| Gaelen up on the ladder. |
| Removing the solar arrays from the box. |
| The first solar array is assembled. |
| BLAST's TDRSS antenna waiting to be mounted. |
| A collection of random metric hardware. |
| Mounting the solar array. |
| Marie and I mount solar array hinges. |
| Marie and I mount solar array hinges. |
| Marie and I mount solar array hinges. |
| Gaelen on the phone. |
| Matt brings lunch. |
| The first solar array mounted. |
| Victor hooks BLAST up to Tiny Tim. |
| Getting picked up. |
| Getting picked up. |
| Moving outside. |
| Moving outside. |
| Watching highbay extraction. |
| BLAST on Tim. |
| BLAST on Tim. |
| BLAST on Tim. |
| Tiny Tim moves BLAST into place. |
| Tiny Tim. |
| Tiny Tim. |
| BLAST out on the pad. |
| Waiting in the shade. |
| Waiting in the shade. |
| Marco ready to cable the GPS antennas. |
| Marco ready to cable the GPS antennas. |
| Going up in the bucket truck. |
| Cabling GPS antennas. |
| Cabling GPS antennas. |
| Cabling GPS antennas. |
| Cabling GPS antennas. |
| Cabling GPS antennas. |
| Nick machines solar array struts. |
| Test fitting the struts. |
| Most of our McMaster-Carr shipment is coming via UPS GROUND, except one item that's coming via UPS EARTH. It's this fine gradation in service which sets UPS ahead of everyone else. |
| The TDRSS simulator in action. |
| Matt shows off the cover on the new power supply's power cord. |
| BLAST in the parking lot. |
| Checking out the new power supply. |
| Picking BLAST back up. |
| Heading back inside. |