Picture Gallery for Wed 2006-08-02 03:38:37 UTC

Click to enlargeGaelen up on the ladder.
Click to enlargeRemoving the solar arrays from the box.
Click to enlargeThe first solar array is assembled.
Click to enlargeBLAST's TDRSS antenna waiting to be mounted.
Click to enlargeA collection of random metric hardware.
Click to enlargeMounting the solar array.
Click to enlargeMarie and I mount solar array hinges.
Click to enlargeMarie and I mount solar array hinges.
Click to enlargeMarie and I mount solar array hinges.
Click to enlargeGaelen on the phone.
Click to enlargeMatt brings lunch.
Click to enlargeThe first solar array mounted.
Click to enlargeVictor hooks BLAST up to Tiny Tim.
Click to enlargeGetting picked up.
Click to enlargeGetting picked up.
Click to enlargeMoving outside.
Click to enlargeMoving outside.
Click to enlargeWatching highbay extraction.
Click to enlargeBLAST on Tim.
Click to enlargeBLAST on Tim.
Click to enlargeBLAST on Tim.
Click to playTiny Tim moves BLAST into place.
Click to enlargeTiny Tim.
Click to enlargeTiny Tim.
Click to enlargeBLAST out on the pad.
Click to enlargeWaiting in the shade.
Click to enlargeWaiting in the shade.
Click to enlargeMarco ready to cable the GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeMarco ready to cable the GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeGoing up in the bucket truck.
Click to enlargeCabling GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeCabling GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeCabling GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeCabling GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeCabling GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeNick machines solar array struts.
Click to enlargeTest fitting the struts.
Click to enlargeMost of our McMaster-Carr shipment is coming via UPS GROUND, except one item that's coming via UPS EARTH. It's this fine gradation in service which sets UPS ahead of everyone else.
Click to enlargeThe TDRSS simulator in action.
Click to playMatt shows off the cover on the new power supply's power cord.
Click to enlargeBLAST in the parking lot.
Click to enlargeChecking out the new power supply.
Click to enlargePicking BLAST back up.
Click to enlargeHeading back inside.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 08:25:17 UTC