Picture Gallery for Sat 2006-07-15 03:47:05 UTC

Click to enlargeChris and Barth help (the other) Chris shop for automobiles.
Click to enlargeOur SIP, newly painted.
Click to enlargeOur SIP, newly painted, and waiting in the LDB building.
Click to enlargeThe oddest thing I've found in a deck of cards.
Click to enlargeThe Bemco.
Click to enlargeWith the Bemco chamber under vacuum, the lock is disengage and a small piece of metal inserted to keep it from locking again. The vacuum is more than sufficient to keep the chamber sealed.
Click to enlargeRefilling the Bemco's liquid nitrogen tank.
Click to enlargeBLAST's 20 amp power supply (bottom) versus another experiment's 9 amp power supply (top).
Click to enlargeBarth sprays an ADC board with freeze spray to try and get it to fail.
Click to enlargeBug + tire = tire-bug.
Click to enlargeMassacred pie.
Click to enlargeOur special delivery lightbulbs arrive.
Click to enlargeOur special delivery lightbulbs arrive.
Click to enlargeThe solar array tester arrives.
Click to enlargeThe solar array tester fully outfitted.
Click to enlargePie!
Click to enlargeEating pie.
Click to enlargeGaelen massacres a watermelon.
Click to enlargeChris checks the alignment of the optics box.
Click to enlargeDanica, Enzo and Jerry in the highbay.
Click to enlargeAfter some searching we finally locate the long distance phone jack.
Click to enlargeFrozen watermelon.
Click to playNick "prepares" the frozen watermelon.
Click to playTaste testing nitrogen-frozen watermelon.
Click to enlargeWatermelon ready to be served.
Click to playQuickly venting liquid nitrogen using the Rod of Power.
Click to playDispersing liquid nitrogen. Note the copious amounts condensation from the humid air.
Click to enlargeChris with a dewar of liquid nitrogen.
Click to enlargeChris with a dewar of liquid nitrogen.
Click to enlargeChris with a dewar of liquid nitrogen.
Click to enlargeFloor fog.
Click to enlargeNick disposes of some liquid nitrogen.
Click to enlargeNick disposes of some liquid nitrogen.
Click to enlargeNick disposes of some liquid nitrogen.
Click to enlargeCryofreezing an apple.
Click to enlargePreparing the apple for consumption.
Click to enlargeFrozen apple, ready to serve.
Click to enlargeLots of salsa at the Taqueria Mexicana Grill.
Click to enlargeA beetle escaping from Danica.
Click to enlargeBarth attempts to convene a group meeting.
Click to enlargeEnzo inspects an ADC card.
Click to enlargeBarth takes Marie's temperature.
Click to enlargeGaelen finds an unexpected 3 cent charge on his bill.
Click to enlargeChurch of the week.
Click to enlargeT & A Hair Affaire'i reinvents English.
Click to enlargeChris Field finds a parking spot in the shade.
Click to playTiny Tim heads out to the launch pad for a test drive.
Click to enlargeMy new camera battery arrives...
Click to enlarge...along with Gaelen's new digital SLR.
Click to enlargeMatt's new star camera.
Click to enlargeDanica and Gaelen test solar arrays.
Click to playGaelen test solar arrays.
Click to enlargeThe solar array tester in action.
Click to enlargeDanica and Gaelen test solar arrays.
Click to enlargeDanica and Gaelen test solar arrays.
Click to enlargeDanica and Gaelen test solar arrays.
Click to enlargeOne of the motorised valves.
Click to enlargeGaelen tries out his new camera.
Click to enlargeGaelen takes a picture of me from across the room.
Click to enlargeA plaque outside the Palestine Public Library.
Click to enlargeThe turkey baster player explains his art.
Click to playPlaying a piece on the turkey baster.
Click to enlargePlaying a piece on the turkey baster.
Click to playExplaining the perfect turkey baster.
Click to playExplaining the perfect turkey baster.
Click to playThe world speed record performance of the William Tell Overture performed on a turkey baster.
Click to playA medley of marches, culminating in the piccolo of turkey basters.
Click to enlargeThe turkey baster virtuoso.
Click to enlargeTypes and styles of turkey basters.
Click to enlargeThe history of the turkey baster.
Click to enlargeDanica and Jerry play ADVENT.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 03:38:01 UTC