Picture Gallery for Wed 2005-06-15 17:13:27 UTC

Click to enlargeEmpty crates waiting to be shipped back to North America. The stuff that was in those crates is already flying over North America.
Click to enlargeGaelen and Marie truck boxes into the high-bay for packing.
Click to enlargeMatt with a big stack of boxes.
Click to enlargeAfter being up for too long, I decided that I needed to cover my keyboard in aluminum tape.
Click to enlargeGaelen, Marie and Matt figure out the fight schedule at the start of their shift.
Click to enlargeMarie packing one of the rolling carts.
Click to enlargeDismantling the Telemetry à la Carte cart.
Click to enlargeMy polar certificate.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 03:11:42 UTC