Picture Gallery for Sun 2003-09-28 02:20:32 UTC

Click to enlargeThe county seat. Note the gratuitous weaponry.
Click to enlargePutting the Star Camera back up.
Click to enlargeMatt gets an offering of tumbleweed (or, if not that, at least weed that tumbles).
Click to enlargeReplacing the sun shield panel. Marie and Gaelen have done this about a zillion times by now...
Click to enlargeThe NSBF picnic.
Click to enlargeThe NSBF picnic.
Click to enlargeThe model balloon launch. The launch vehicle is on the left. The red thing is the parachute and the spool truck and balloon are on the right.
Click to enlargeBESS in the hangar.
Click to enlargeBESS in the hangar.
Click to enlargeEating at the picnic. Matt contemplates the Bourbon.
Click to enlargeEating at the picnic.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 08:06:19 UTC