Picture Gallery for Tue 2003-09-23 08:44:40 UTC

Click to enlargeReattaching the sun shield
Click to enlargeI was bored, so I made a pocketwatch...
Click to enlargeThe Mark shrine.
Click to enlargePre-flight preparation.
Click to enlargeMark and Frank inspect the payload.
Click to enlargeThe MLV in the hangar.
Click to enlargeSwitching to batteries.
Click to enlargeThe MLV coming in to pick us up.
Click to enlargeFrank gets ready to put BLAST on the pin.
Click to enlargePicking up BLAST.
Click to enlargePutting the truck plate on the pin.
Click to enlargeMark inspecting the operation.
Click to enlargeAttaching the flight train.
Click to enlargeAttaching the flight train.
Click to enlargeAttaching the flight train.
Click to enlargeAttaching the flight train.
Click to enlargeAttaching the flight train.
Click to enlargeAttaching the flight train.
Click to enlargeBLASTers milling about.
Click to enlargeThe spool truck waiting for showtime.
Click to enlargeThe MLV.
Click to enlargeExtracting BLAST.
Click to enlargeMark taking pictures.
Click to enlargeExtracting BLAST.
Click to enlargeExtracting BLAST.
Click to enlargeBLAST outside.
Click to enlargeEnzo.
Click to enlargeA conversation.
Click to enlargeBLAST.
Click to enlargeBLAST.
Click to enlargeBLAST.
Click to enlargeAttaching the ballast hoppers.
Click to enlargeDavid.
Click to enlargeBarth.
Click to enlargeThe ballast hoppers.
Click to enlargeBLAST with ballast and crush pads.
Click to enlargeBLAST with ballast and crush pads.
Click to enlargeHeading out to the pad.
Click to enlargeBLAST on the MLV.
Click to enlargeHeading out to the pad.
Click to enlargeHeading out to the pad.
Click to enlargeHeading out to the pad.
Click to enlargeHeading out to the pad.
Click to enlargeHolding.
Click to enlargeOut at the launch pad.
Click to enlargeThe spool truck with the MLV behind it.
Click to enlargeThe MLV.
Click to enlargeBLAST on the MLV.
Click to enlargeBLAST on the MLV.
Click to enlargeThe Helium trucks drive out to the spool truck.
Click to enlargeMLV and spool truck.
Click to enlargeGetting light.
Click to enlargeGetting light.
Click to enlargeThe MLV in the pre-dawn.
Click to enlargeThe MLV in the pre-dawn.
Click to enlargeAnother helium truck heading out to the launch site.
Click to enlargeVery light. Note that the MLV has turned around.
Click to enlargeCloser...
Click to enlargeCloser!
Click to enlargeBLAST hanging.
Click to enlargeBLAST hanging.
Click to enlargeMatt in front of BLAST.
Click to enlargeGreg and Matt.
Click to enlargeDawn.
Click to enlargeDawn + BLAST = Photo opportunity.
Click to enlargeBLAST and the MLV. In the distance, the NSBF crew is unrolling the tarps.
Click to enlargeThe base.
Click to enlargeThe parachute and release.
Click to enlargeParachute release mechanism.
Click to enlargeLaying out the tarps.
Click to enlargeLaying out the tarps.
Click to enlargeBLAST with sun.
Click to enlargeMLV with spool truck in background.
Click to enlargeBLAST (again, surprisingly).
Click to enlargeLaunching a small balloon to test the winds.
Click to enlargeSpool truck and tarps.
Click to enlargeWorking on the parachute release.
Click to enlargeMarie waits for launch. Note the studded fleece.
Click to enlargeTarps for the balloon.
Click to enlargeMLV and parachute.
Click to enlargeBlowing.
Click to enlargeComing back.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 12:55:45 UTC