Picture Gallery for Sun 2003-09-21 18:15:55 UTC

Click to enlargeThe dirt bike race track.
Click to enlargeA Cessna Citation II that's been parked at the airport for a few days. We suspect it belongs to drug smugglers coming up from Mexico or something equally exciting...
Click to enlargeAnother shot of the Cessna.
Click to enlargeAnother shot of the Cessna.
Click to enlargeAnother shot of the Cessna.
Click to enlargeAnother shot of the Cessna.
Click to enlargeLow productivity day at the high-bay.
Click to enlargeGaelen drives the fork lift.
Click to enlargeGaelen drives the fork lift.
Click to enlargeRemoving one of the panels on the sun shield in order to do a nitrogen fill.
Click to enlargeGaelen flaunts fork lift safety.
Click to enlargeTito's Burrito.
Click to enlargeMmm... old video games.
Click to enlargeThe BLAST Fort Sumner integration team:
Back row (l to r): Itziar Aretxaga (INAOE), Mark Devlin (UPenn), David Hughes (INAOE), Jeff Klein (UPenn), Mark Halpern (UBC), Greg Tucker (Brown), Matt Truch (Brown)
Front row (l to r): Gaelen Marsden (UBC), Marie Rex (UPenn), Enzo Pascale (UofT), Don Wiebe (UofT), Barth Netterfield (UofT), Ed Chapin (INAOE)
Not present: Phil Mauskopf (Cardiff), Josh Gunderson (Miami), Blazej Ruszczycki (Miami), Chris Semisch (UPenn), Jaspaul Chung (UBC)
Click to enlargeAnother shot.
Click to enlargeMilling around between shots.
Click to enlargeThe Canadian contingent.
Click to enlargeThe Canadian contingent.
Click to enlargeMatt tanks the car in Melrose en route to Clovis.
Click to enlargeBowling at Mainline Bowl.
Click to enlargeEd. Note the clown shoes.
Click to enlargeGaelen.
Click to enlargeMarie.
Click to enlargeMatt.
Click to enlargeGyros: is there anything they can't do? (Note: inexplicably, my ball's name was Fred Rupp.)
Click to enlargeThe score from the second game.
Click to enlargeDitto.
Click to enlargeAt Pizza Hut for dinner.
Click to enlargeEd sleeping in the car.
Click to enlargeGaelen works the system by going to a video rental place to look up movie ratings so we can go across the street and buy the best, cheapest movie from WalMart.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 08:42:33 UTC