Picture Gallery for Sat 2003-09-20 18:54:43 UTC

Click to enlargeThe preflight weather briefing.
Click to enlargeMarie and Gaelen finish the mini-baffle.
Click to enlargeMarie and Gaelen finish the mini-baffle.
Click to enlargeBarth's solution to the fly problem.
Click to enlargeMatt didn't think my original receipt would be what the Brown accounting guys would want, so I typed one up instead.
Click to enlargeMarie expresses her views on Canada.
Click to enlargeA (poorly focused) bug.
Click to enlargeMatt and Greg.
Click to enlargeMark waves a dewar of nitrogen in front of the bolometers.
Click to enlargeThe trap door in use.
Click to enlargeBLAST, fully assembled.
Click to enlargeLast minute tasks before being picked up.
Click to enlargeA well taped led brick.
Click to enlargePicking up the JPL flight.
Click to enlargePicking up the JPL flight.
Click to enlargePicking up the JPL flight.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 08:40:29 UTC