Picture Gallery for Thu 2003-09-18 00:03:24 UTC

Click to enlargeJeff helps Mark hang flypaper in the high bay. The flypaper does little: why would the flies like the flypaper, when they can eat the candy corn on the table?
Click to enlargeUm, cars in the parking lot... not sure why I took this picture, but here it is anyways.
Click to enlargeDavid, Enzo and Itziar make dinner at the UBC house.
Click to enlargeThe label on David's flight planning binder.
Click to enlargeMe and Marie at the UBC house.
Click to enlargeGaelen relaxes.
Click to enlargeRelaxing.
Click to enlargeRelaxing.
Click to enlargeEating.
Click to enlargeThe Smashing Pumpkins.
Click to enlargeCanonical Gaelen magazines.
Click to enlargePie!

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 08:17:39 UTC