Picture Gallery for Fri 2003-09-12 02:11:00 UTC

Click to enlargeHot Damn!
Click to enlargeIn a fit of despair, Ed tried to end it all by drinking the cinnamon schnapps and Coca-Cola. Fortunately we were able to talk him out of it.
Click to enlargeRain storm.
Click to enlargeRain storm minus camera-flash-highlighted rain drops.
Click to enlargeThe passive roll damper relegated to the bottom shelf due to weight constraints.
Click to enlargeEnzo puts on a hat to keep the ideas from escaping.
Click to enlargeChecking Science Stack commanding.
Click to enlargeMarie at the Science Stack controls.
Click to enlargeMatt inspects the cryostat.
Click to enlargeEveryone else had graphs, so I wanted some too. Here we see a plot of CPU temperature (in radians) versus Declination of the telescope.
Click to enlargeMore rain, this time at night.
Click to enlargeGraph number two: Speed of the inner frame balance pump versus star camera computer temperature.
Click to enlargeScanning the telescope.
Click to enlargeBarth drives BLAST.
Click to playBLAST does a Boomer-esque scan.
Click to enlargeA two-by two graph of cryostat temperatures versus inclinometer readings.
Click to enlargeMatt drives through the Pi Frame.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 03:30:52 UTC