Picture Gallery for Thu 2003-09-11 00:59:49 UTC

Click to enlargeGaelen fills up before heading out.
Click to enlargeAntelope on the road to Roswell. They're trying to get over the fence where a fourth antelope is.
Click to enlargeIn the distance you can see the Capitan Mountains.
Click to enlargeUS Route 285.
Click to enlargeThe outskirts of Roswell.
Click to enlargeNew Mexico Military Institute, Roswell.
Click to enlargeThe International UFO Museum and Research Center (IUFOMRC).
Click to enlargeStandard Roswellian fare.
Click to enlargeRoswell. Note the street lamps.
Click to enlargeThe Alien Resistance HQ, across the street from the IUFOMRC.
Click to enlargeEd and Marie get abducted by a UFO that's somehow managed to crash into the corner of the IUFOMRC.
Click to enlargeMatt, Ed and Marie in the museum.
Click to enlargeA rocky landing.
Click to enlargeRALF (Roswell Alien Life Form) and a sequined UFO.
Click to enlargeThe Nazi Foo-Fighter.
Click to enlargeLubbock lights or SCUBA map?
Click to enlargeSaskatchewan based wackos.
Click to enlargeStyling.
Click to enlargeThe canonical alien autopsy.
Click to enlargeMatt and Gaelen at Denny's.
Click to enlargeMe, Ed and Marie at Denny's.
Click to enlargeMini-burgers!
Click to enlargeDriving up towards the Caverns.
Click to enlargeDesert-y-ness.
Click to enlargeMore of the same.
Click to enlargeMore of the same.
Click to enlargeLooking southish towards Texas and Mexico.
Click to enlargeLooking southish towards Texas and Mexico.
Click to enlargeLooking southish towards Texas and Mexico.
Click to enlargeBuildings at Carsbad Cavern.
Click to enlargeThe schedule.
Click to enlargeRemembering the CCC.
Click to enlargeDesert flora.
Click to enlargeThe path down to the cave.
Click to enlargeThe bat-watching amphitheatre.
Click to enlargeCave Swallows.
Click to enlargeNatural Entrance.
Click to enlargeThe cave entrance.
Click to enlargeCactus!
Click to enlargeAn army of cactuses, cacti.
Click to enlargeDescending into the cave.
Click to enlargeDescending into the cave.
Click to enlargeDescending into the cave.
Click to enlargeDescending into the cave. Let the blurriness begin!
Click to enlargeA blurry version of Matt braving the cave entrance.
Click to enlargeLooking back up towards the entrance.
Click to enlargeExploring the cave.
Click to enlargeUm, rocks.
Click to enlargeCavern Development.
Click to enlargeBat Cave.
Click to enlargeA train car wheel from guano mining days.
Click to enlargePlease do not throw coins or other objects into cavern pools.
Click to enlargeA stalagmite.
Click to enlargeA stalagmite.
Click to enlargeUm, rocks.
Click to enlargeDevil's Spring.
Click to enlargeA crack.
Click to enlargeCavern Climate.
Click to enlargeThis is what things generally look like if you take a picture with the flash on...
Click to enlargeThis is what things often look like if you take a picture with the flash off...
Click to enlargeThe whale's mouth.
Click to enlargeGreen ("natural") lighting.
Click to enlargeA little grotto.
Click to enlargeLooking down a cleft.
Click to enlargeMatt in the cave.
Click to enlargeLooking down over a bridge at the Lower Cavern.
Click to enlargeCave formations.
Click to enlargeCave formations.
Click to enlargeCave formations.
Click to enlargeCave formations.
Click to enlargeJoints and Solutioning.
Click to enlargeCave wall.
Click to enlargeA large stalagmite.
Click to enlargeIceberg Rock.
Click to enlargeLooking past Iceberg Rock.
Click to enlargeThe wall.
Click to enlargeA grotto.
Click to enlargeThe pathway.
Click to enlargeA view of Green Lake Room.
Click to enlargeGreen Lake Room.
Click to enlargeGreen Lake Room during an earthquake, maybe.
Click to enlargeSpeleotherms; still earthquaky.
Click to enlargeIcicles.
Click to enlargeLooking towards the Boneyard.
Click to enlargeEarly Visitors.
Click to enlargeThe Boneyard.
Click to enlargeThe Boneyard.
Click to enlargePopcorn.
Click to enlargePopcorn.
Click to enlargeAn overhanging rock.
Click to enlargeDitto, from below.
Click to enlargeUm, rocks.
Click to enlargeA shaft of light.
Click to enlargeGaelen in the cave.
Click to enlargePopcorn and emergency lights.
Click to enlargeA grotto with flash...
Click to enlarge...and without.
Click to enlargeThe boneyard.
Click to enlargeBoulders.
Click to enlargeA sandy floor.
Click to enlargeA street sign.
Click to enlargeCave formations.
Click to enlargeCave formations.
Click to enlargeSurrealism in the caves: the elevator lobby.
Click to enlargeAnd the gift shop.
Click to enlargeAnd the subway stop.
Click to enlargeResting in the rest area.
Click to enlargeThe Big Room straight ahead.
Click to enlargeThe Big Room.
Click to enlargeA grotto.
Click to enlargeStalactites and stalagmites in the Big Room.
Click to enlargeStalactites and stalagmites in the Big Room.
Click to enlargeMore popcorn.
Click to enlargeThe Big Room.
Click to enlargeCave formations.
Click to playA panorama of the caves.
Click to enlargeSpeleotherms. (Sign reruns.)
Click to enlargeCavern Development. (Sign reruns.)
Click to enlargeStalactite and stalagmite.
Click to enlargeA large stalagmite.
Click to enlargeThe Lion's Tail.
Click to enlargeThe Lion's Tail.
Click to enlargeA giant stalagmite.
Click to enlargeThe Hall of Giants.
Click to enlargeThe twin domes.
Click to enlargeFairyland.
Click to enlargeAs advertised, popcorn covered stalagmites.
Click to enlargeMore of the same.
Click to enlargeTemple of the Sun.
Click to enlargeCavern Pools. (A repackaged rerun.)
Click to enlargeShortcut!
Click to enlargeAn old ladder.
Click to enlargeHistoric Explorations.
Click to enlargeLower Cave.
Click to enlargeTop of the Cross.
Click to enlargeCavern Lighting. They use "natural lighting", such as green, yellow, orange, red lights to display the natural colours in the rocks... um, yeah.
Click to enlargeThe mirror pool. The sign is cleverly mirrored. Not quite sure how this pool is any more mirrored than any of the others, but, whatever.
Click to enlargeThe Bottomless Pit.
Click to enlargeBat Roost.
Click to enlargeCavern Life.
Click to enlargeMassive Gypsum.
Click to enlargeA massive piece of gypsum. (Image has been enlarged to show texture)
Click to enlargeAn active stalagmite.
Click to enlargeIcicles.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 06:38:33 UTC