Picture Gallery for Thu 2003-09-11 00:10:05 UTC

Click to enlarge"Downtown" Fort Sumner. Note the Wal-Mart truck. About three-quarters of trucks passing through Fort Sumner are from Wal-Mart.
Click to enlargeThe "Underpass" on the highway leading to Santa Rosa.
Click to enlargeThe brown sign says "Historic Bridge built in 1938. Rehabilitated in 1998."
Click to enlargeThe pedestrian underpass.
Click to enlargeA train on the bridge.
Click to enlargeLooking west towards the Pecos River valley.
Click to enlargeDitto. You can just make out the train I took a picture of on the rail bridge over the river.
Click to enlargeLooking towards the NSBF facility and windmills in the distance.
Click to enlargeNew Mexico scenery.
Click to enlargeOne of the helium tankers waiting for BLAST.
Click to enlargeThe other helium tanker.
Click to enlargeGaelen modifies one of the ADC boards.
Click to enlargeBarth plays some Breakout.
Click to enlargeOne of the JPL experiments.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 03:33:39 UTC