| The torpedo replaced by a pump. |
 | Preparing to do initial weigh-in of the gondola. |
 | Weighing the gondola. |
 | Weighing the gondola. |
 | Looking north from the high-bay. |
 | Helium fill. |
 | Results of the official weigh-in, as recorded by Gaelen: 4335 pounds. |
 | Marie and Matt replace the B.A.P.S. with the Mega-A.P.S. |
 | The Mega-A.P.S. |
 | Matt and Gaelen paint the legs. |
 | Trying to figure out what's wrong with the star camera. |
 | Trying to figure out what's wrong with the star camera. |
 | Mmm... Windows times two. |
 | The MLV in place, preparing to carry the gondola out to the Pi Frame again. |
 | Mark goes up to add some safety strapping. |
 | Preparing to lift the gondola. |
 | The Mobile Launch Vehicle in position. |
 | Looking up. |
 | Frank gets into position. |
 | Watching the proceedings. |
 | Preparing to hang the gondola. |
 | Gaelen documents the operation. |
 | A pile of electronics. |
 | Matt appears displeased. |
 | Lifting the gondola. |
 | The gondola hanging from the pin. |
 | Attaching the reins to the legs. |
 | Extracting BLAST from the high-bay. |
 | BLAST outside again. |
 | BLAST outside again. |
 | the MLV carrying BLAST. |
 | the MLV carrying BLAST. |
 | Nearing the Pi Frame. |
 | Nearing the Pi Frame. |
 | Nearing the Pi Frame. |
 | Ed, Jeff and Matt watching. |
 | At the Pi Frame. |
 | At the Pi Frame. |
 | At the Pi Frame. |
 | At the Pi Frame. |
 | Getting ready to lift BLAST onto the hoist. |
 | Getting ready to lift BLAST onto the hoist. |
 | Getting ready to lift BLAST onto the hoist. |
 | Getting ready to lift BLAST onto the hoist. |
 | Getting ready to lift BLAST onto the hoist. |
 | Getting ready to lift BLAST onto the hoist. |
 | Getting ready to lift BLAST onto the hoist. |
 | Mark surveying the operation. |
 | Gaelen shows off some of his photographs. |
 | Hanging BLAST on the Pi Frame. |
 | The JPL guys move in. |