Picture Gallery for Sun 2003-08-31 19:07:33 UTC

Click to enlargeBarth talking to Sue, plotting their escape.
Click to enlargeWorking on the Commanding.
Click to enlargeRF testing dryer tube. On the table is a dryer tube wrapped in aluminum foil. Inside the tube is one of the walkie-talkies. Phil is using the other one to see if the signal will penetrate into the tube, which is going to be used to shield the signal cables coming from the cryostat and into the receiver.
Click to enlargeBarth makes a run for it.
Click to enlargeOne of the recovery instruction stickers given to us by the NSBF.
Click to enlargeRemoving the sun shields and the pivot.
Click to enlargeTrying to figure out where to put the sun shields.
Click to enlargeMoving the sun shields out of the way.
Click to enlargeGaelen, Jeff and Daivd lowering the pivot.
Click to enlargeA giant moth that spent a day in the high bay. It was roughly a handspan in size.
Click to enlargeA giant moth that spent a day in the high bay. It was roughly a handspan in size.
Click to enlargeA giant moth that spent a day in the high bay. It was roughly a handspan in size.
Click to enlargeRemoving the NSBF's (rectangular) truck plate from our (triangular) truck plate.
Click to enlargeDavid checks the clearance of the pump insulation boxes.
Click to enlargePreparing to remove the inner frame. In the end we decided to take it off with the crane instead of the forklift.
Click to enlargeCrane cable attached; preparing to remove the inner frame.
Click to enlargeChecking the positions of the cables.
Click to enlargeStarting to lift. Carefully.
Click to playRemoving the inner frame.
Click to enlargeThe inner frame comes down.
Click to enlargeThe inner frame up on blocks.
Click to enlargeThe Star Camera mount, showing gratuitous use of bolts.
Click to enlargeA high-bay variation on a log rolling competition.
Click to enlargeA high-bay variation on a log rolling competition.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Thu 2025-02-06 22:40:26 UTC