Picture Gallery for Wed 2003-08-20 19:00:24 UTC

Click to enlargeA conference with the NSBF guys.
Click to enlargeMark checks the race motor in the pivot.
Click to enlargeMark checks the race motor in the pivot.
Click to enlargeCareful, Mark.
Click to enlargeA little lizard.
Click to enlargeA scraped knee after Basketball. (WARNING: ICKY! Be content with the thumbnail.)
Click to enlargeEnzo and Jeff looking at transfer functions on the spectrum analyser.
Click to enlargeJaspaul and Marie working on the outer frame cooling pump.
Click to enlargeThe Evil Eye.
Click to enlargeEnzo continues with transfer functions.
Click to enlargeDavid spends a lot of time looking contemplatively at his monitor. I'm not sure what he's doing, but it must be important...
Click to enlargeBarth and Marie with the outer frame cooling pump box.
Click to enlargeDavid and Mark assemble the Differential GPS mount.
Click to enlargeBarth and I discuss flight code ... maybe.
Click to enlargeBarth makes a point.
Click to enlargeEd takes a break from co-ordinate transformations.
Click to enlargeBarth considering flight code. Really, that's all he does. Really.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 08:25:07 UTC