| The Japanese House. |
| Marie's mother takes a picture of the gondola. |
| Marie and her mother. |
| A two-by-three clamped to the top of the gondola. |
| Testing a long transfer tube. |
| Testing a long transfer tube. |
| Testing a long transfer tube. |
| Testing a long transfer tube. |
| David Hughes opens the hangar doors. |
| Ed moves into Flight Code Corner. |
| Fortunately spelling isn't a requirement in Flight Code Corner. |
| Preparing to do the helium fill. |
| Mark manoeuvres Jeff into position for the helium transfer. |
| Warm helium venting. |
| Liquid oxygen dripping from the vent tube. |
| Cooling the inner frame. |
| Jeff removes the transfer tube after fill. |
| The artificial sun about to get a makeover. |
| Marie inspects the finished mylar-and-blue-foam-and-white-duct-tape baffle for the fake sun. |
| Look at the fine workmanship. Oooo. |
| The fake sun in position. |
| Jeff moves into position for another helium fill. |
| Dust off is a serious product. |
| The helium vent tube covered in ice. |
| The helium vent tube covered in ice. |
| The helium vent tube covered in ice. |
| One of the SIPs appears to be Mr. Bigglesworth... |
| Mark gives a rivotting mini-course on rivotting. |