Picture Gallery for Wed 2003-08-13 18:10:29 UTC

Click to enlargeThe radiation shields sitting on the floor.
Click to enlargeJet parts in Fort Sumner.
Click to enlargeEd sez: "Don't mess with the Generac!"
Click to enlargeKyle comes to visit his father.
Click to enlargeMarie routes heat strap around the Helium Three Fridge.
Click to enlargeSam's new brain.
Click to enlargeThy cryostat breakout box on the cold plate next to the optics box.
Click to enlargeMatt cleans the cryostat O-ring.
Click to enlargePutting the tail back on the cryostat.
Click to enlargeBarth and I try to figure out something. Josh works on his own problems.
Click to enlargeMr. Cryostat pumps down.
Click to enlargeThe leak checker and cold trap.
Click to enlargeChris drills speed holes in the gondola.
Click to enlargeMark checks on the nitrogen fill.
Click to enlargeFilling the helium tank with nitrogen.
Click to enlargeBarth tries to figure out why Sam isn't working (again).
Click to enlargeEd finds nitrogen filling chilly.
Click to enlargeBarth inspects the Master Control Computers.
Click to enlargeJeff and Mark prepare the cryostat for remounting.
Click toplayInstalling the cryostat.
Click toplayInstalling the cryostat.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 04:02:38 UTC