| Baking stycast. |
 | The gondola is starting to look like a bona fide instrument. |
 | Lab meeting. |
 | Trying to balance the inner frame. |
 | Is it balanced? |
 | Mark ostracises himself. |
 | Dave and Ed in their new digs. |
 | Marie and Chris contemplate the fluid balance system. |
 | The Data Acquisition System taking data on the inner frame. |
 | A lead brick is added to the GPS to prevent it from sailing away in the wind. |
 | The north side of the high bay. |
 | Barth packs the PV in preparation of taking it on the road. |
 | Barth and Matt go trucking with the PV. |
 | Setting up the PV and GPS. |
 | Jaspaul and Chris mount the passive roll damper. |
 | Trying to calibrate the GPS. |
 | Mmm... Royal Crown Cola. |
 | The passive roll damper from above. Note the giant ball bearing inside. |
 | A wider shot showing its mounting on the outer frame. |
 | Boo. SGR devolves into Safe Mode. |
 | Barth checks on the progress of GPS calibration. |
 | Matt helps Enzo (not shown) make twisted pairs for cables. |
 | Hoisting the pivot in preparation for hanging the gondola. |
 | Gaelen cables the pivot. |
 | Enzo and Matt continue making cables. |
 | Marie and Chris route copper tube for the fluid balance system. |
 | The pivot hanging awaiting attachment to the gondola. |
 | Spinning the flywheel to check the encoder positioning. |
 | The reaction flywheel encoder mounted underneath the flywheel. |
 | A view of the flywheel encoder (now cover by a grey plastic dust cover) and the flywheel motor controller box. |
 | Barth gets Josh to help him take the GPS and PV on the road again. |
 | Don't get hit by any planes, guys. |
 | Matt and Jeff check the weather. |
 | Barth and Josh somewhere between the high-bay and Texas. |
 | Attaching the flight cables to the outer frame. |
 | The gondola hanging on the pivot. |
 | Ed graciously offers to help motivate us by wearing fewer and fewer clothes every day until we're flight ready. |
 | Ack! SGR has issues. |
 | A cut-away view of the ACS showing one of the BLAST ADC cards. |
 | The lab hat rack. |
 | The gondola from the front. |
 | Ed doesn't know when it's time to stop working. |