| Mmmm... fresh bread. |
| Jeff, Dave and Ed at dinner. |
| Enzo and Chris at dinner. |
| Matt and Marie at dinner. |
| Ed entertains after dinner. |
| Is that the same Sadie? |
| Matt supervises the hoisting of the scoop. |
| Chris guiding the scoop into place. |
| Coming down. |
| Almost there. |
| Affixing the scoop in place. |
| Mark removes one of the carabiners from the scoop. |
| Gaelen removes the second carabiner and the hoisting rod is moved out. |
| Mid-Air Collision Avoidance |
| Lifting the ISC into place. |
| Preparing to bolt the ISC in place. |
| Bolting the ISC down. |
| Bolting the ISC down. |
| The Star Camera and Scoop mounted on the inner frame. |
| The inner frame from the front. |
| Looking down the bore in the secondary though the hole in the primary. |
| The same thing, but closer. |
| The dirty primary. |
| Sitting under the gondola, working on Arien, the Sun Sensor computer. |
| Nitrogen fill. |
| Jaspaul and Marie cleaning oil off the back of the mirror. |
| Condensation on the fill tube. |
| Jaspaul and Marie are still at it. |
| A heavy duty spring scale. |
| The launch vehicle sitting in the hangar. |
| Chris inspects the oxy-acetelyne torch. |
| Chris preparing to weld two of the rental cars together. After some thought, we realised that it probably wouldn't be covered under our policy so we abandoned the idea. |
| A visitor. |
| Another shot of the bird. |
| Mark was more patient and was able to get some really good photographs of the bird. |
| More cryogens (the helium) arrive. |
| Local wildlife. |
| Local wildlife. |
| Killing time while waiting for Microsoft Visual Studios to install. |
| Sue comes to visit Barth. |
| Josh is ready to pitch in and help. |
| Mark demonstrates what the ACS will look like when it's finished. |
| Hey! Aren't those labels upside down? |
| Hoisting the helium canister. |
| Tying the helium in place. |
| zzz... So... zzz... boring! zzz... |
| Helium canister in place and secure. |
| Jeff and Mark work on their bicycles while Jaspaul looks on. |
| The Penn House. |
| Gaelen and Matt cooking dinner. |
| Mark and Jeff wash up after eating. |
| cherry.blast |
| Removing the belly band on the cryostat. |
| Hoisting the cryostat. |
| The cryostat suspended. |
| Mark, Jeff and Enzo supervise the installation. |
| A giant ball bearing for use in the passive roll damper. |
| Mounting the DAS. |
| Mounting the DAS. |
| Barth working on GPS code. |
| Cabling the Receiver and DAS. |