Picture Gallery for Tue 2003-08-05 23:59:59 UTC

Click to enlargeThe not-the-launch-vehicle from the rear.
Click to enlargeThe Launch Vehicle from the rear.
Click to enlargeThe Launch Vehicle from the front.
Click to enlargeThe not-the-launch-vehicle from the front.
Click to enlargeMarie inspecting the primary.
Click to enlargeThe inner frame from the back, with both the mirror and cryostat installed.
Click to enlargeEnzo, hard at work, or, um, something...
Click to enlargeThe receiver team concentrates on optical alignment, while Barth and Ed discuss computer problems.
Click to enlargeThe Pressure Vessel (PV) with both computers installed.
Click to enlargeEd working on the Integrating Star Camera.
Click to enlargeEnzo and Matt at the Brown House for lunch.
Click to enlargeThe warehouse next door to the Brown House.
Click to enlargeAnother shot of the Brown House.
Click to enlargeGaelen and Chris chase tumbleweed during the storm. The lesson for the day: don't try to pick up tumbleweed. It's pointy.
Click to enlargeThe lab takes a break to experience the weather.
Click to enlargeMarie with ominous looking clouds behind her.
Click to enlargeA gathering in the wind.
Click to enlargeGaelen takes a photograph of the group.
Click to enlargeDavid entertains with a story.
Click to enlargeBarth and Jaspaul fight against the wind.
Click to enlargeContemplating the storm.
Click to enlargeLight on the horizon.
Click to enlargeFrom: Palestine, Texas
To: Alice Springs, Australia.

... or is that the other way around?

Click to enlargeThe same thing, but without the flash.
Click to playA brief movie of lightning during the storm.
Click to playA brief movie of lightning during the storm.
Click to enlargeBarth and Sophia in front of the Netterfield van.
Click to enlargeSunset beneath the storm.
Click to enlargeSunset beneath the storm.
Click to enlargeLooking east into the storm.
Click to enlargeLooking east into the storm.
Click to playAnother movie of the storm. Note the light from the setting sun. Note the rainbow.
Click to playDitto.
Click to playDitto. Now with people!
Click to enlargeGaelen photographing the lightning, as Matt and Chris look on.
Click to enlargeThe same, but blurrier. It was difficult to keep the camera still in the wind without a tripod.
Click to enlargeSunset.
Click to playA movie of the sunset.
Click to enlargeGreg reassembling the ACS Power Module.
Click to enlargeA close up of the ACS Power Module's front panel. Note the camera induced distortion.
Click to enlargeMark and Jeff continue to align the optics.
Click to enlargeMark puts on a hat to make Gaelen feel more at home.
Click to enlargeMark posing for the camera.
Click to enlargeMatt helps with the optical alignment. Careful there, Mark.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 03:15:46 UTC