Picture Gallery for Sun 2003-08-03 23:59:59 UTC

Click to enlargeI discovered my camera can take sepia tone images. Not sure how useful that is, seeing as how the pictures are digital anyways, but here we go.
Click to enlargeAnother picture of the train.
Click to enlargeAnother picture of the train.
Click to enlargeGrapefruit sized watermelon growing by the side of the road near the airport.
Click to enlargeThe same.
Click to enlargeThe high bay from the southeast.
Click to enlargeGreg, Chris and Matt shopping at Dave's.
Click to enlargeBeef and tomato juice... um... together at last?
Click to enlargeGreg and Mark remaking the APM (ACS (Attitude Control System) Power Module). They have spent a fair bit of time doing this.
Click to enlargeA brief rain in the afternoon.
Click to enlargeMe at Saruman, apparently installing more packages. Fun. This and the following four pictures were taken by Matt.
Click to enlargeThe high bay below ominous weather.
Click to enlargeThe high bay below ominous weather.
Click to enlargeRain in the distance. As in Saskatchewan, in New Mexico it always rains "over there" but rarely "over here".
Click to enlargeRain in the distance.
Click to enlargeRain in the distance.
Click to enlargeA partial rainbow above the wind farm to the east of the high bay.
Click to enlargeA very blurry rabbit watches us play basketball.
Click to enlargeJaspaul, Chris and Gaelen shooting hoops.
Click to playTesting out the movie capabilities of my camera. Jaspaul and Chris shooting hoops.
Click to enlargeOne of the barbecues just lit.
Click to enlargeThe same thing, but with the flash.
Click to playA movie of Matt lighting the second barbecue.

© 2003 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Tue 2024-10-22 09:34:11 UTC