Picture Gallery for Sun 2005-02-13 21:55:04 UTC

Click to enlargeGaelen finds the scientifically best dessert at lunch: apple pie and candy corn.
Click to enlargeMounting the GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeEd debugging the star camera code (again, or maybe still).
Click to enlargeJaspaul mounting the GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeJaspaul mounting the GPS antennas. (Safety third).
Click to enlargeThe magnetometer mounted on axis to provide an coarse azimuth sensor.
Click to enlargeCreative parking.
Click to enlargeCreative parking.
Click to enlargeRemounting the sun shields after mounting the GPS antennas.
Click to enlargeMatt discovers a slight problem with his choice of parking spot.
Click to enlargeMatt discovers a slight problem with his choice of parking spot.
Click to enlargeA view of the parking conundrum from the roof of the other high bay.
Click to enlargeMatt inspects the picnic shelter. Note the ethernet connection.
Click to enlargeThe Paul Richards Science Machine Shop.
Click to enlargeThe John Deere is designed with the illiterate in mind. (Note the bunny and the turtle).
Click to enlargeMarie takes the tractor out for a spin.
Click to enlargeWarning: if you're using the loader to hold up live power lines, don't step out of the cab.
Click to enlargeMarie and Matt are a little skeptical about NASA's ability to distinguish a building from other non-building structures.
Click to enlargeA view of the lauch pad.
Click to enlargeEnigmatic building 16: A light pole, a rusty crane and four concrete stair cases.
Click to playAnts in building 16.
Click to enlargeLooking back from building 16 towards the highbay and the water tower.
Click to enlargePalestine Airport.
Click to enlargeMap showing the Zone of Death near Ft. Sumner.
Click to enlargeA bird's eye view of the parking lot.
Click to enlargeAnother shot of the launch pad, this time from the roof of the high bay.
Click to enlargeThe other highbay and the picnic shelter (which also has a building number).
Click to enlargeOne of the receivers on the top of the highbay
Click to enlargeStay off bay roof.
Click to enlargeLookin past the water tower at the eastern part of the base.
Click to enlargeMatt inspects the receiver electronics.
Click to enlargeWaiting for a table at Ranchhouse.
Click to enlargeNot did we just get a table: they gave us an entire room.
Click to enlargeOur room came with muzak.
Click to enlargeA tempting slogan from Ranchhouse.

© 2005 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 07:17:41 UTC