| Batteries venting electrolytes. |
| Batteries venting electrolytes. |
| Not being able to go inside due to potentially dangerous chemicals being expelled from the batteries, Marco, Matt and Marie decide to mod Jaspaul's car. |
| The NSBF water tower. |
| Jaspaul manhandles the gondola into place. |
| After being doused in potassium hydroxide and then cleaned with vinegar, the fake sun is shinier than we've ever seen it. So, I guess, the exploding batteries wasn't a complete loss... |
| Mark forks off the secondary. |
| Removing the scoop. |
| Craning the million dollar mirror across the bay. |
| The gondola in mirror acceptance position. |
| Deciding how to mount the mirror. |
| Gaelen and Jeff expose the mounting plate on the bottom of the mirror. |
| Extra mirror hardware. |
| Getting ready to hoist the mirror into place. |
| Slowly lowering the mirror. |
| Bolting the mirror onto the gondola. |
| Marie operates the crane from the crane operator's chair. |
| Inspecting the secondary mirror. |
| Jaspaul, Matt, and Marco carefully move the secondary mirror into place as Mark and Jeff watch from behind. |
| Mark and Jeff try to align the secondary. |
| Securing the secondary. |
| Back to Lowe's for more Spongebob paint. |
| Maybe painting the gondola Tartar Sauce would look nice? |
| Hitchhikers may be escaping inmates. A favourite of many scientists who come to the balloon base. |
| Jeff's favourite sign. |
| Littering is unlawful. |
| If you drive by a standalone boot store at least once a day, chances are you're in Texas. |
| Gaelen and Jaspaul create the mirror cover. |
| Mark's new poncho? |
| Fit test of the mirror cover. |
| Fit test of the mirror cover. |
| Mirror cover on the mirror. |
| It's starting to look like a telescope. |