| Picking up. |
 | Picking up. |
 | The Boss. |
 | Picking up. |
 | Picking up. |
 | BLAST ready for pickup. |
 | Rolling outside. |
 | Pick-up. |
 | Pick-up. |
 | The Boss. |
 | Unfolding the solar arrays. |
 | Forking over the ballast hopper. |
 | BLAST on The Boss. |
 | BLAST on The Boss. |
 | BLAST on The Boss. |
 | Solar arrays pointing at the sun. |
 | BLAST on The Boss. |
 | BLAST on The Boss. |
 | Out on the pad. |
 | Out on the pad. |
(13544x1264, 8222.89 kb) Ed and Enzo walk out to the launch vehicle after rollout.
 | Awaiting inflation. |
 | Awaiting inflation. |
(7216x1288, 4727.28 kb) Awaiting inflation.
 | Awaiting inflation. |
 | Awaiting inflation. |
 | Awaiting inflation. |
 | Laying out the balloon. |
 | Attaching the parachute to the flightline. |
 | Looking down the flightline. You can see the balloon (in its protective pink plastic) unrolled unready. The next step is to unroll the parachute. |
 | BLAST. |
 | Start of inflation. |
 | Inflation. |
 | Panning around the pad during inflation. |
 | Mark explains what's going on for the camera(s). |
(6760x1424, 4840.88 kb) Early stages of inflation.
 | Inflation. |
 | Me and inflation. |
 | Me and BLAST. I get around. |
(3584x1304, 2364.73 kb) Late stages of inflation.
 | Barth and Enzo head out to the pad to watch launch. |
 | Inflation complete. |
 | Waiting for launch. |
 | Waiting for launch. |
 | Launch! |
 | BLAST goes up. |
 | BLAST goes up. |
 | Checking things out on the way up. A stressful time. |
 | Checking things out on the way up. A stressful time. |
 | Mark calculates our sensitivity from our first calibration map. |
 | Kstars tracks BLAST scanning a source in Vela. |