Picture Gallery for Thu 2006-12-14 23:35:39 UTC

Click to enlargeAn LC-130 takes off from Willy.
Click to enlargeWaiting for a shuttle at the end of the day.
Click to enlargeWeighing BLAST.
Click to enlargeChris.
Click to enlargeAt the wine bar.
Click to enlargeAt the wine bar.
Click to enlargeMe with an impressive hat.
Click to enlargeMe with an impressive hat.
Click to enlargeJeff hides under the table.
Click to enlargePaul films.
Click to enlargeBLAST waits for launch.
Click to enlargeLooking down into the telescope cavity.
Click to enlargeBarth shows Bill Jones around.
Click to enlargeUnloading a Pisten Bully near the rugby field.
Click to enlargeWaiting for launch.
Click to enlargeBLAST outside to see if we can point in the wind.
Click to enlargeMarie checks the balance system.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 06:25:49 UTC