Picture Gallery for Sun 2006-12-10 23:54:41 UTC

Click to enlargeEd flight plans.
Click to enlargeEnzo and Mark return from lunch.
Click to enlargeThe water delta. It got a flat the other day, so they replaced all six tires (you can still see the stickers on them). The next day it got another flat.
Click to enlargeAnDRILL in front of a sun dappled White Island.
Click to enlargeIvan the Terra Bus arrives at Willy Field.
Click to enlargeAircraft sit at Willy.
Click to enlargeUnloading a Herc.
Click to enlargeThe Basler BT-67, a retrofitted DC-3.
Click to enlargeThe Basler BT-67, a retrofitted DC-3.
Click to enlargeThe Tracks lane on the Willy field road. It's also for chevron tired deltas.
Click to enlargeAnother shot of the Basler, operated by Kenn Borek Air, Canada for the USAP.
Click to enlargeOne of the Twin Otters, also operated by Kenn Borek Air. (Kenn Borek Air has gained fame in recent years for flying Otters down to Pole for medevacs in unpleasant conditions.)
Click to enlargeAnother shot of the gooney bird. The Basler retrofit includes the addition of Pratt and Whitney Canada PT6A turbo props, lengthening the fuselage by three feet and strengthening the airframe. Like all DC-3s, it's a taildragger (it has landing gear in the tail instead of the nose). However, the tail gear was damaged and is currently being repared. We hope to use the Basler for recovery, since the primary mirror can fit inside, which is not the case if we're forced to use the Otter.
Click to enlargeThe Kenn Borek Flying Circus and Live Animal Act Pub (Free Admission).
Click to enlargeWilly Field. Note the cyclist at right in front of the Jamesway Tent. He just biked out from McMurdo along the snow road. Impressive.
Click to enlargeSpare LC-130 props.
Click to enlargeErebus among the clouds.

Click to Enlarge
(8925x1264, 5440.26 kb) Willy Field airfield. At right, in the distance is Ob Hill. Six of the seven LC-130s are on the ground here. The Terra Bus has just finished picking up PAX from the rightmost Herc. The Basler sits at centre. On the left are the support Buildings, and storage. At right in the background is LDB Camp.

Click to enlargeThe start of the Willy Field road.
Click to enlargeThe emergency escape door at Derelict Junction is padlocked.
Click to enlargeChris and Marie wait for the Shuttle out to Willy.
Click to enlargeANITA coming back inside, again.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 06:37:42 UTC