Picture Gallery for Tue 2006-11-28 21:37:18 UTC

Click to enlargeGetting ready to pick up BLAST.
Click to enlargeGetting ready to pick up BLAST.
Click to enlargeGetting ready to pick up BLAST.

Click to Enlarge
(8000x1216, 5778.32 kb) Ice fog on the horizon to the south.

Click to enlargeGetting ready to pick up BLAST.
Click to enlargeGetting ready to pick up BLAST.
Click to enlargePicking up.
Click to enlargePicking up.
Click to enlargePicking up.
Click to enlargePicking up.
Click to enlargeEnzo, Matt and Barth wait to go out to the pad.
Click to enlargeBLAST hanging on the vehicle.
Click to enlargeAnother extreme close up of the back of the bit sync. It's in a bit of a corner and this the best way I have of looking at the connectors on the back.
Click to enlargeBLAST, with ANITA and SBI in the background.
Click to enlargeBLAST, with ANITA and SBI in the background.
Click to enlargeBLAST out on the patio.
Click to enlargeCanopus in the star camera.
Click to enlargeComing back in after a successful.
Click to enlargeSBI gets lifted back in at the end of the day.
Click to enlargeA delightful dinner menu.
Click to enlargeBarth messes around with the ACS in the morning.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 08:48:06 UTC