| Getting ready to pick up BLAST. |
 | Getting ready to pick up BLAST. |
 | Getting ready to pick up BLAST. |
(8000x1216, 5778.32 kb) Ice fog on the horizon to the south.
 | Getting ready to pick up BLAST. |
 | Getting ready to pick up BLAST. |
 | Picking up. |
 | Picking up. |
 | Picking up. |
 | Picking up. |
 | Enzo, Matt and Barth wait to go out to the pad. |
 | BLAST hanging on the vehicle. |
 | Another extreme close up of the back of the bit sync. It's in a bit of a corner and this the best way I have of looking at the connectors on the back. |
 | BLAST, with ANITA and SBI in the background. |
 | BLAST, with ANITA and SBI in the background. |
 | BLAST out on the patio. |
 | Canopus in the star camera. |
 | Coming back in after a successful. |
 | SBI gets lifted back in at the end of the day. |
 | A delightful dinner menu. |
 | Barth messes around with the ACS in the morning. |