| A long line of snowmobiles. |
 | Hut Point from offshore. |
 | The welcome to McMurdo sign. |
 | The welcome to McMrudo sign. Note the face in the ice. |
 | A convoy of snowmobiles and another tracked vehicle head out on the Cape Evans Road. |
 | McMurdo. |
 | The Ice Runway airfield. At left are four LC-130 "Hercules". At right is a retrofitted DC-3. |
 | Ed checks out the ice. In the distance is the western shore of Hut Point Peninsula. |
(5220x1298, 3461.43 kb) The western side of Hut Point Peninsula from the Ice Runway road. Below Grey
Dome are the Danger Slopes where Seaman Geo. Vince perished during Scott's first
expedition. Vince's cross is is on Hut Point. Behind Hut Point is McMurdo, and
behind that is Fortress Rocks with th T-site on top. At right is Observation
Hill and Cape Armitage.
 | Gaelen, Ed, Matt and Chris Field walk back to town along the Ice Runway road. |
 | A better view of the 130s. |
 | McMurdo again. |
 | Several helicopters at the helipad. |
 | Attaching the solar array in the morning. |