Picture Gallery for Mon 2006-11-20 20:33:02 UTC

Click to enlargeGaelen and Marie take the solar array crate outside. Gaelen has been wanting to test the solar panels, but the poor weather has prevented that.
Click to enlargeSnow on the porch.
Click to enlargeMark test fitting the baffle.
Click to enlargeMoving the container out to 150 meters for the next round.
Click to enlargeIcicles on the railing.
Click to enlargeArnold Schwartznegger pays us a visit. Actually it's just Bobby (one of the CSBF electronics guys). He found Arnold's name tag in the pocked of his jacket.
Click to enlargeWarning: onions contain onions.
Click to enlargeTaking BLAST outside again in the morning.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 07:17:09 UTC