Picture Gallery for Sun 2006-11-19 22:33:45 UTC

Click to enlargeThe X-Y stage set up at 100 meters.
Click to enlargeBLAST out on the porch again.
Click to enlargeNick and Matt check the level of the liquid nitrogen dewar on the X-Y Stage.
Click to enlargeNick and Matt check the level of the liquid nitrogen dewar on the X-Y Stage.
Click to enlargeBLAST scanning.
Click to enlargeOminous clouds over Mt. Discovery.
Click to enlargeMark returns from skiing around the pad.
Click to enlargeMark returns from skiing around the pad.
Click to enlargeMark returns from skiing around the pad.
Click to enlargeMaterial Data Sheets. Check out that address.
Click to enlargeBLAST in snow and blowing snow.
Click to enlargeMarie prepares to measure the distance between the primary and secondary.
Click to enlargeMeasuring the distance.
Click to enlargeThis is three person operation.
Click to enlargeWaiting in the camp office for the shuttle to come.
Click to enlargeWaiting in the camp office for the shuttle to come.
Click to enlargeAn impressive pannel of jacks in the galley.
Click to enlargeMatt weighs himself.
Click to enlargeThe McMurdo Sign.
Click to enlargeMidnight sunburst over Mount Discovery.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 08:45:41 UTC