Picture Gallery for Wed 2006-11-08 19:44:17 UTC

Click to enlargeSnow being pushed up against the porch. To prevent it from sliding away?
Click to enlargeThe back of the primary mirror with its protective thermal blanket.
Click to enlargeA laser in the centre of the secondary reflects back on itself.
Click to enlargeMark leak checks one of the star cameras.
Click to enlargeChecking the alignment of the secondary mirror.
Click to enlargeMarie still leak checking the star camera.
Click to enlargeEnzo takes a nap.
Click to enlargeBlowing off nitrogen from the helium tank in anticipation of having helium.
Click toplayNitrogen blowoff.
Click to enlargeMore blowoff.
Click to enlargeStudents hard at work.
Click to enlargeANITA peeks out of its highbay.
Click to enlargeEnzo checks the alignment of the secondary with Gaelen's camera.
Click to enlargeBLAST stickers seem to pop up everywhere we go. This one's in Ivan. It's a little crooked.
Click to enlargeComing back into town. In the distance, on the ice runway, a LC-130 Hercules is taking off, bound for Pole.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 04:15:53 UTC