Picture Gallery for Fri 2006-10-27 00:35:03 UTC

Click to enlargeSome fragile scientific equipment which is accompanying me on the flight. I had to open it for security (note the Air Canada tape).
Click to enlargeThe flight from Toronto stopped right next to an Air New Zealand 747 at LAX. Looks like I'm in the right place. (Although we're flying Qantas).
Click to enlargeWhenever I enter the US, my phone sends me a message to welcome me. How bizarre. I wonder if it will do the same in New Zealand.
Click to enlargeRooms at the Saga Motor Hotel come with eccentric collections of book.
Click to enlargeCaltech campus.
Click to enlargeCaltech campus.
Click to enlargeBLASTtalk.

© 2006 D. V. Wiebe. Generated Sat 2024-07-27 02:30:42 UTC